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Abundance Mindset: 6 Ways to Develop One

Published 23/07/2024 by Rosemary Anne

Abundance Mindset: What It Is and How to Develop One

An abundance mindset is a powerful perspective and a fresh way of looking at things that can turn your life around and make you see infinite possibilities where others see limitations and stopping points. It is the belief that you can afford to share your resources and success with others without losing anything in the process.

An abundance mindset is a way of thinking that has the power to make you happier, create more positive outcomes, and be content with the different aspects of life. It's a bit like when you wake up in the morning in a positive frame of mind and feel ready to take on the world; the idea is to train your unconscious mind to automatically think positively and limitlessly, leading to an abundant life.

If you want to learn how to develop an abundance mindset, follow our article on 6 ways to develop one.

What Is an Abundance Mindset?

An abundance mindset is a thought process focused on the best things in life and believing there's more than enough for everyone. It is the counterpart of the mindset of scarcity, described by the fear of lack and the notion that they only have limited resources. People with this mindset think there is only so much to go around.

Those with an abundance mindset believe that there's plenty of room for everyone to grow and succeed – that everything will be alright – believing that there are more than enough opportunities for everyone, viewing 'challenges' as opportunities.

This positive mindset is also associated with feelings of collaboration, generosity, sharing, and well-being. People with this mindset often have a positive impact on other people's lives.

Characteristics of an Abundance Mindset

A bountiful mentality manifests in a few key traits that shape how a person perceives and engages the world around them.

A person with an abundance mindset will be optimistic, generous, committed to a personal growth mindset, living in the moment, and celebrating the successes of others.

If this doesn't sound like you, it might be time to leap of faith and develop an abundance mindset for a happier, more satisfying lifestyle.


The Key to abundance is undoubtedly optimism.

Optimism is a core element of an abundance mindset. It is a way of thinking positively about the endless possibilities in the future, successful outcomes, and expecting good things to happen. It involves viewing setbacks as temporary and focusing on potential solutions rather than problems.

Nurturing a sunny disposition helps people remain motivated and relentless when challenges come their way.


A second key characteristic is generosity.

Someone with an abundance mindset will be more likely to give time, money, or the knowledge they have to others. They realise that giving to others does not diminish their resources but can positively affect the lives of those around them and amplify an ethos of goodwill and reciprocal support.

This kind of generosity creates goodwill and builds positive reinforcements in relationships, strengthening the conviction that there are unlimited resources for all of us.


It's good to have a deep sense of self-awareness and who you are to create an abundance mindset.

Being self-aware involves being conscious of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour patterns and how they can impact your sense of abundance.

Self-aware people become aware of their own limiting thoughts and feelings, and then they can begin to transform them by replacing them with more empowering thought patterns. By doing this, they can consciously make choices that will guide them to an abundance mindset and create more abundance in different areas of daily life.

Focused on Personal Development

Another hallmark of the abundance mentality is a commitment and proactive approach to personal growth.

People with a positive and abundant mindset are thinkers and avid learners, always on the lookout for ways to further their knowledge and skills. This commitment to personal growth means they perceive challenges as small obstacles that can be overcome or as opportunities for learning and growth.

This contributes to their long-term success in professional life and personal happiness.

Live in the Moment

An abundance mindset also includes the ability to live in the present moment. This means that abundance-minded people are less likely to dwell on the past or worry about the future but rather appreciate and live in the current moment.

For those living their lives in the moment they know that every opportunity is right in front of them, and focusing on the now allows them to provide the most value in each scenario, giving them an opportunity to be grateful and feel complete.

Celebrate Others' Successes

A third hallmark of an abundance mindset is sharing and celebrating others' success.

When others succeed, a person who thinks and acts from a place of abundance and positivity finds joy. Rather than experiencing jealousy and a sense of loss when others succeed, an abundance mindset tells you that you still have the same resources as before and can utilise and enjoy what is left.

When you pat others on the back and are genuinely happy for them, you develop positive relationships and support networks.

How to Develop an Abundance Mindset in 6 Steps?

Learning how to develop an abundance mindset can bring satisfaction, positive mental well-being, and happiness to your life, removing your mindset from scarcity.

There are many small practices you can adopt and different ways you can use to shift your perspective from scarcity to abundance. Here are six ways to develop an abundance mindset.

Start a Daily Gratitude Routine

You can shift to an abundance mindset by starting a daily gratitude practice.

Spend a few minutes each day counting your blessings. Pick a time and place where you will likely be productive with this, and be intentional about the time and practice.

Take time to think of everything you appreciate in your life, from the tiny things like the fact you have warmth or a pair of shoes to wear to the amazing people you have in your life.

One of my favourite ways to practise gratitude is by keeping a gratitude journal, this way you can write down each positive thought or thing that happens in your life and when you look back on the journal each week, you may realise you have more to be grateful for than you realised, helping you to shifts your mindset and creates an abundance mindset.

Practice Mindfulness

One of the steps to practise an abundance mentality is to exercise mindfulness or mindfulness spiritual meditation.

Mindfulness is a mental state reached by focusing on the present moment while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It is used as a therapeutic technique.

When you practise mindfulness and are aware of your present moment, you become more conscious of your thoughts and feelings, which, in turn, will allow you to acknowledge scarcity-based thinking and counterattack it.

The techniques for practising mindfulness include meditation, deep breathing, and even mindful observation, which are great ways to develop an abundant mindset.

Repeat Positive Affirmations

Have you ever heard anyone say, "If you say it enough times, you'll believe it." Well, this is the same concept. Repeating positive affirmations can help eliminate negative self-talk and reprogram the subconscious to support a positive and abundance mindset.

The subconscious is a powerful force that we all have within us. It drives a lot of our thoughts and behaviours, making it crucial to build a strong, deep-seated belief in an abundance mindset to reprogram the subconscious consciously.

Affirmations are a great way to do this, as they start to reinforce new thoughts and beliefs about yourself and the world.

An abundance affirmation might read, 'I am open to receiving wonderful things in all aspects of my life. Nothing but abundance exists in this Universe. "I am open and ready to welcome in success and prosperity.' When you repeat these positive affirmations over and over again, you reprogram your subconscious to support your abundance mindset.

Think About All Possibilities

The abundant mind thinks about what's possible without focusing on the negative, so it's about thinking about the possibilities, not the limitations.'

The person with the abundant mindset trains themselves to think about 'different solutions, different outcomes' if faced with a challenge. This sharpens the mind to possibilities and what could happen, which opens creative pathways and a positive belief that solutions are available.

'Focus on possibilities versus obstacles,' says Lowenthal. 'That's how you develop an abundance mindset.

Focus on the Bigger Picture

This focus helps you maintain an abundance mentality by considering the big picture. When you endure obstacles or short-term setbacks, remind yourself of the entire picture and how much you have already accomplished on the way to your larger goal.

This bigger picture helps you stay motivated and handle the temporary hurdles. Focusing on your ultimate goals and where you are heading helps reaffirm your abundance mentality, reminding you of your larger purpose.

Surround Yourself With People Who Have Abundance Mindsets

When you're around others who have an abundance mindset, you're more likely to have an abundance mindset yourself.

Abundant, supportive people who build you up make you more inclined to think in terms of abundance, too. It's easier to get and stay in the flow when you surround yourself with others who are in the flow.

Create relationships and communities that are growth-oriented, sharing-oriented, and supportive. Get involved with people with an abundance mindset, and the likelihood of you developing one yourself increases as there will often be a buzzing atmosphere of abundance.

How Does an Abundance Mindset Differ From a Scarcity Mindset?

Abundance Vs Lack - An abundance mindset and a scarcity mentality are different in their approach to life and opportunities.

An abundance mindset is described by the belief that there are enough resources and opportunities to share with everyone, creating optimism, generosity, and a focus on personal growth and collaboration.

People with an abundance mindset see possibilities and are open to sharing and supporting others. In contrast, a scarcity mentality operates on the belief that resources are limited, leading to fear, competition, jealousy, and a focus on what is lacking.

Those with a scarcity mindset often experience anxiety and envy, and they may hoard resources and opportunities. This dichotomy influences how individuals handle challenges, relationships, and overall life outlook.

Spiritual Readings

A spiritual reading with Trusted Psychics Australia can teach you how to develop an abundance mindset and guide you with intuitive insights and spiritual guidance.

A live psychic reader can create positive affirmations using the law of attraction or help you reprogram your mind whilst providing spiritual reiki healing methods to calm and focus your thoughts and intentions.

Our skilled Live Messenger and phone psychics can use many methods to help you identify and limit negative beliefs and fears that contribute to a scarcity mindset. They can offer affirmations, visualisation techniques, and practical advice to shift your focus towards gratitude, possibilities, growth, and an abundant mindset.

By connecting with your spiritual self and receiving this guidance from a spiritual advisor, you can cultivate a more positive and expansive perspective, paving the way for greater overall abundance and appreciation.


Does Abundance Mindset Really Work?

An abundance mindset can really help you overcome challenges in your everyday life. Research indicates that people with a mindset of abundance experience higher life satisfaction, happiness, and overall well-being.

Individuals with the mindset of abundance will see opportunities rather than obstacles and find answers instead of excuses; people with an abundance mindset are more likely to take advantage of opportunities, explore new possibilities, be more proactive in taking steps and achieving their goals, and build positive relationships.

They become more resilient and adaptable, able to better cope with life's challenges, as they have a positive outlook on life.

Is an Abundance Mindset Healthy?

An abundance mindset is good for you, mentally and emotionally. It is a sunny worldview that tends to reduce the stress and anxiety accompanying scarcity.

If you look on the brighter side of life and believe there is enough to go around, you are less prone to feelings of envy, resentment, and FOMO (fear of missing out). The virtue hypothesis also implies that an abundance mindset creates emotional well-being by bolstering gratitude, contentment, and inner peace.

What Are the Signs of an Abundance Mindset?

The signs and basis for an abundance mindset are optimism, generosity, and the celebration of the achievements of others.

Abundance thinkers are more likely to be givers, collaborators, and experimenters. They are fixated on what's possible and proactive in solving problems rather than complaining about obstacles.

Other signs of abundance thinking are expressing daily gratitude, welcoming change and new challenges, and being proactive about personal and professional growth. These are all indications of believing there are more opportunities and resources.

What Is the Difference Between Lack Mindset and Abundance Mindset?

The central difference between these two mindsets is the belief each is built upon.

Lack mindsets are built on the belief that resources are scarce, the grab what you can before it's gone way of thinking. This leads to hoarding, fear, jealousy, and competition. It also brings about a scarcity mentality, stress, and a general unwillingness to share resources and collaborate with others.

An abundance mindset is formed on the belief that there is enough for everyone. This abundance mindset creates optimism, generosity, and the belief that opportunity is abundant.

People with an abundance mindset will take more risks, share their resources, and celebrate the successes of others. This is because an abundance mindset is infectious and leads to a positive and productive environment.

How Can I Live My Life Abundantly?

To live abundantly, you must adopt abundant practices, attitudes and, most importantly, thinking.

Start by building an attitude of gratitude. Regularly reflect on what is going well and the opportunities surrounding you. Set goals related to personal or professional growth. Be curious and embrace new experiences while also seeking to be a lifelong learner.

Develop and seek out positive and supportive relationships with people who encourage an abundance mindset. Practise generosity by sharing your time, resources, and knowledge with others.

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